Over the weekend of March 28-29, past and
present contestants shared the stage with John
during a “Running of the Bulls” presentation by “Ganadaria Borges” at the Orangeville
Agricultural Arena. It was yet another
opportunity for the singers to present
themselves to a whole new audience of people,
all the while gaining that vital stage experience.
OMNI Television was also there filming for the
programs “Canada Contacto” and “Vamos Ao
Bailinho” so the chance for media exposure
was once again presented. And most
importantly, a good time was had by all!
In the white shirts are the “Pastores” who herd the bulls. On top of the boxes L-R are: André Carneiro, Jordan Pereira, Claudia Pereira, OMNIʼs cameraman, Clara Santos& Monica Cidade. Bottom, L-R, OMNI's Raquel Carvalho, Ramiro Lopes Sança, John Santos, Rita Francis & Kayla de Brito.